

The population of the Lake Constance region rose up to 4.31 millions at the end of 2023. Compared to 2000 this is an increase of 739'000 people or 21 percent .

Statistical offices in the region project further increase of the total population until 2035.

The region's average population density (2022) is around 323 persons per km² of productive area. There are, however, significant differences within the region:

  • Areas close to Lake Constance or along the Rhine as well as the Zurich metropolitan area are densely populated.
  • Relatively sparsely populated areas can be found in the mountainous areas of the Alps and in the German district of Sigmaringen.

Methodological Considerations

The main challenge for a cross-border statistical project is the comparability of statistical data. Data collection practices and definitions of indicators often differ significantly among the four participating countries.

In the future you will find here information on data comparability.